
Stamp Carving Material Comparison

Hello fellow carvers!  This page is just a link to a spreadsheet with harmonized summary of all of the reviews I'm going to be doing on all of the carving mediums I can find.  Click on the name of the material to be taken to the blog post that contains a lengthier review of the material.

My intention is never to finish this table, but rather keep adding comments/reviews as I find new materials or new materials come along.  Is there a carving medium missing? Leave a comment and let me know (along with where I might be able to buy it).

To the Table! 


  1. What have you planned to review next? I'm really interested in hearing your opinion on Stampeaz' Butter Kut.

    1. I have two stamps carved and waiting reviews (Firm Kut & SLQ) - but I'll put Butter Kut up as the next to be carved :)

  2. I'll be interested to see the results of the layered (removable) material. Sounds counterintuitive to me.

  3. Hello! Thank you for doing all of these reviews! Will you be doing a review of Tan-Z from Stampeaz?

    Thank you again! I'm a beginning carver and reading these reviews is so helpful. I wish I had been carving around the time of OZ Kut!

  4. Thank you for this rundown - catching up from PZ Kut times. Doesn't seem like there is much out there worth trying. I'm gonna try the Tan-Z, I think. Looking forward to your review on that. Thanks, again! ~SHH :-)
