The Grande Hermine {The Big Weasel} Jordan Harbour, Jordan Station, Ontario |
Warning: spoiler photo at the end of this post.
Before I ever started letterboxing, another local boxer had done great work and had (has) marvelous boxes planted all over the province. One day, without notice, she deleted all the clues, deleted the comments, and retired
all of her boxes. Why? I'll never know. Those were some of my favourite boxes, they contained the amazing history of letterboxing in Ontario. And now they're gone. Poof. This happened over a year ago, so I'm not sure why I'm whinging about it now...
Except now I've done the unthinkable. I've taken someone else's letterbox. On purpose. With intent. Not to relocate because of danger, not to repair due to damage. To keep.
My log from 2010. |
This particular box had special meaning to me; when I found it, where I found it, who I found it with. I was gutted to think it was gone when that letterboxer deleted the clues and retired the whole lot. But I had this niggling suspicion that told me that there was no way she had physically
pulled so many actual boxes given their geographic spread. I pretty much knew that these boxes still existed. I just had no way to find them, or even re-find the ones I had already had logged.
Nonetheless, after moving back to Burlington, I had decided I was going to replace the one box. It's the perfect location, the perfect theme, and it's perfect to stop at if you're traveling along the QEW back/forth from Canada/US. So I created a box and headed out today to replant with the hopes that even without the clue, I'd find the box.
I found it. In perfect condition. I took it
and literally planted mine in its place. I have it, it's mine. The log is dry and only half filled... Its clue is gone and the owner retired it. This baffles me. And those lovely boxes are still out there, lonely and unloved - abandoned. Does anyone keep old clues? I never have, and now I'm sad because I'll never be able to retrace my steps to some of these now lost gems.
Have I committed a letterboxing crime? I'm not sure. I plan to show people this box and its contents, I plan to maintain my new replacement box (or at least not destroy it for future finders should I decide to retire from boxing...).
I hope you and future generations of letterboxers enjoy my
replacement box. If you ever want to see the old one, please let me know...
In with the new... |