
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

How to not get a box finished

So, I came up with an idea, found a fantastic image, had it printed and transferred, and now I'm stuck unable to force myself to finish the carve.

To go back a bit, the idea actually came from a location first - a place I had been to a couple of times and always stuck out in my head as somewhere I really wanted to plant given the opportunity.  I wanted a big, intricate carve for the location - the location demands it - and spend quite a bit of time looking for the perfect image. (I'm not creative and can't draw. Finding something was a must.)  I found the perfect image and, with a new photocopy image and blender pen in hand, proceeded to transfer this 12 centimetre square image on some newly purchased pink stuff.*  

Unfortunately, this is where things went wrong.  I began to carve the complicated image and then promptly lost interest in the carve.  I still love the image, still want the box done, but can't muster the enthusiasm necessary to finish the carve. I feel like it will take forever and I'm having a hard time dedicating the time.  To make matters worse, I can't bring myself to start another carve - even when the next carve on my agenda is a new sig stamp (my current one is about 5 stamps away from total destruction). Essentially, it's interrupting my carving groove.

Now I am stuck in limbo, unenthusiastically carving a little each night - essentially forcing myself to do so to try to get it done.  I feel like it will never be done.

The offending carve.

*In retrospect, given the nature of this image, I wish I had held out and used Firm Cut instead.  Live and learn.

1 comment:

  1. After July 20 I should be driving again. Can you have it done by then? :)

    Lone R
